Procedure and Order of Activities for Master’s Thesis Registration and Defence
The University Rector issues the Methodology of Procedure and Order of Activities for Master’s Thesis Registration and Defence. The Methodology is issued with the purpose to harmonise procedures regarding Master’s theses carried out by the University.
1. The announcement of thesis topics as well as the announcement of potential mentors is carried out by candidates with the consent/signature of potential mentors (on the prescribed form)
2. The Rector of the University and the Dean of the Faculty give their consent to the announcement of thesis topics and potential mentors by signing the prescribed form.
3. Candidates submit the Application for the Master’s Thesis Topic with their own signature to the Teaching Scientific Council.
4. Potential mentors are required to give their consent by signing the Application for the Master’s Thesis Topic.
5. The Application has its form and content as follows:
a) Curriculum Vitae
b) Topic explanation
c) Topic and working hypotheses
d) Research purpose and objectives
e) Evaluation of present research
f) Scientific methods
g) Content and working structure
h) Review of chapter contents
i) Expected research findings
j) Expected scientific contribution and application of research findings
k) Literature
l) Gantt chart of thesis development
m) Declaration of originality
6. The Teaching Scientific Council passes the Application to the responsible department.
7. the Department Council revises the Application and gives its opinion on:
a) Master’s Thesis Application, and
b) three members of the Commission for evaluation of the candidate’s eligibility and acceptability of the Master’s thesis topic. Potential mentors may be the commission members, but may not perform the function of the Commission chairperson.
8. The Teaching Scientific Council considers:
a) Application
b) nomination of potential mentors
c) composition of the Commission for evaluation of the candidate’s eligibility and acceptability of the Master’s thesis topic.
The Teaching Scientific Council takes into consideration opinions and remarks of the Department Council. After consideration, the Teaching Scientific Council adopts, rejects or suggests alternation of the materials listed above.
9. The Report on evaluation of the candidate’s eligibility and acceptability of the Master’s thesis topic is passed to the Department Council by the Commission. The Department Council gives its opinion and passes the Report to the Teaching Scientific Council for adoption.
The Commission for evaluation of the candidate’s eligibility and acceptability of the Master’s thesis topic submits the Report on evaluation of the candidate’s eligibility and acceptability of the Master’s thesis topic concerning all elements in the Application and provides concise and scientifically based opinions, conclusions and suggestions on:
a) Candidate’s eligibility,
b) Acceptability of the Master’s thesis.
10. The Teaching Scientific Council submits for approval to the University Senate:
a) Application
b) proposal of potential mentors
c) composition of the Commission for evaluation of the candidate’s eligibility and acceptability of the Master’s thesis topic
d) The Commission’s Report on the evaluation of the candidate’s eligibility and acceptability of the Master’s thesis topic.
The University Senate may approve or reject and return the proposals for additional corrections.
11. Upon completion of their Master’s thesis, candidates submit four soft cover copies of their work and one copy in electronic form along with the mentor’s approval.
12. The Department Council proposes to the Teaching Scientific Council the Commission for Master’s thesis assessment composed of three members. Thesis mentor may be the commission member, but may not perform the function of the Commission chairperson. The commission may have the same composition as the one referred to in Section 7b.
13. The Teaching Scientific Council appoints the Commission for Master’s thesis assessment on the proposal of the Department Council.
14. The Senate of the University agrees upon the appointment of the Commission for Master’s thesis assessment made by the Teaching Scientific Council.
15. The Commission for Master’s thesis assessment submits the Report on Master’s thesis.
16. The Department Council revises and gives its opinion on the Report on Master’s thesis. The Report along with the opinion of the Department Council is further delivered to the Teaching Scientific Council.
17. The Teaching Scientific Council revises the Report on Master’s thesis and the opinion of the Department Council and takes a decision on:
a) Approval or rejection and return of the Report for additional corrections
b) Appointment of the Commission for Master’s thesis defence that may have the same composition as the one referred to in Section 12. The mentor may not perform the function of the Commission chairperson.
c) The date of the Master’s thesis defence. The date may be set 30 days from the day the Senate of the University agreed on the Master’s thesis defence.
18. Candidates submit 10 hard cover copies of their Master’s thesis and one copy in electronic form.
19. The Senate of the University agrees with all the decisions made by the Teaching Scientific Council stated in Section 17a, 17b and 17c.
20. Master’s Thesis is publicly defended before the Commission for Master’s thesis defence.
21. Upon completion of the Master’s thesis defence, the Commission forms the Record on Master’s thesis defence with the statement of successful or not successful defence of the Master’s thesis. The Record is signed by all three member of the Commission.
22. This Methodology is in accordance with the Rules of the second cycle of studies compliant with the Bologna Principles.
23. The University bodies participating in implementation of Master’s thesis procedure and methodology are:
– Relevant department of the Faculty
– Teaching Scientific Council
– University Senate
University Rector