The right to apply for admission to the third cycle of studies will be granted to all students who have earned a Master’s degree and a minimum average grade of eight (8) or other equivalent average in the second cycle of studies.
The right to apply for admission to the third cycle of studies at the Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Informatics will be granted to all students who have earned a Master’s degree in accordance with the Bologna principles or former study programme.
The right to apply for admission to the third cycle of studies will be granted to all students who have earned a Master’s degree in a relevant field of study.
Apart from students referred to in the previous Paragraph, the right for admission to the third cycle of studies will be granted to all students who have earned a Master’s degree in other fields provided that those students submit an interdisciplinary topic of a doctoral dissertation. The topic must closely interrelate and cover the fields of their Master’s thesis and of the doctoral dissertation to be elaborated. In these cases, the Academic Council appointed by the Dean of the Faculty grants the right for Admission into the third cycle of studies and decides upon examinations considered as differences that students ought to pass.
More information about enrolment may be found in the Rules of the thi
rd cycle of studies, Articles 31-37.