Total papes – up to 12 pages
Margins – 2.5 cm (left / right, up / down)
Font type and size – Times New Roman 12
Line spacing – single (1.0)
First page: title of the work in one of three languages (Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian) and in English
language, information about the author. Abstract should be written in English (150-200 words)
with three to five key words, also in English. The paper can be written in English in whole.
Paper Structure: introduction, theoretical background, methodology, results, conclusions and references
Originality – papers should be innovative, original and make the applicability
Tables, graphs, images – an integral part of the work, centered, in black and white.
All images must be original, without the use of illustrations from other sources
Page numbers – no
References: citation- include in text. For reference use name of author and date of publishing, for example (X, 2007). In the case of quotations use page number as wwll. (X, 2007: 25).
In the case of two authors: (X and Y, 2010). If more than two authors: (X, et. Al, 2010).
Literature: indicate only sources used in text, without the number of chapters. References are numbered, and in alphabetical order
in the case of the same author, cite chronologically
Last name, first name. (Year), title, place of publication: name of publisher