The main goal of the Educational Centre is to develop:
– Internal education, and
– External education.
- Internal education/trainings will be held for all professors (with regard to the implementation of the Rules of the first, second and third cycle of studies and other appropriate Instructions), andassistants (with regard to improving quality of exercises and realisation of practical exercises, particularly those organised at the Faculty of Health Care and Faculty of Business Informatics),
- Internal education/trainings for University stuff will be aimed at improving their quality, promptness, politeness in the realisation of work tasks,
- Internal education/trainings for students will be aimed at additional education provided for each study year:
– First year of study (how to write a seminar paper, make a case study, make a presentation, define hypotheses, etc.),
– Second year of study (attending seminars and trainings in the country and abroad, summer internships, etc.),
– Third year of study (how to realise, write and present “Projects”, write a Diploma paper, etc.)
Additional internal education for students will be realised through engagement of demonstrators and high quality students.
External education/trainings will be held for the following establishments:
– administrative bodies,
– courts,
– institutions,
– secondary schools, etc.
External education will be carried out through seminars, courses, lectures, panels, round tables, consultations, etc. along with full cooperation with the University Institute.
Specific forms of external education ought to be developed through:
– Academic stuff exchange (professors and assistants) with other faculties and universities in B&H and abroad,
– Student exchange in B&H and abroad,
– Encouraging professors, assistants and students to take participation in domestic and international scientific professional conferences and to publish scientific professional and professional articles.
Based on the given plan of the Educational Centre along with full cooperation with the Quality Assurance Centre, University Institute and Teaching Service, an Activity Plan with details on bearers, themes and terms will be made. The Plan will be revised and adopted by the Centre Council.