Educational and Career Guidance Centre is one of the functional units of the University that covers activities of all four University Faculties.
Educational and Career Guidance Centre develops databases of intellectual and professional student abilities, modules of theoretical and practical knowledge they have received, and establishes skills they have learned in order to facilitate organized and systematic mediation in promoting students to best companies and institutions. It helps in the organization of working practice and further student education and employment in the country and abroad. In the field of educational development, this Centre provides education services to companies and institutions, and organises panels, roundtables, consultations, conferences, etc. on the profitable basis.
The Centre has a director and deputy director. The director is accountable for his/her activities to the University Board of Directors and Council of the Centre, as well as to the University rector. The University Senate forms the Council, revises and adopts the plan of business activities, and provides guidelines for business activities of the Centre. The director is obliged to submit a Semi-annual Activity Report to the University Senate and University Board of Directors. Based on the Rector’s proposal along with the opinions of the University Board of Directors, the director and deputy director are appointed by the University Senate for the period of three years. Provided necessary, an assistant to the director may be appointed by the University Senate.
Furthermore, within the Educational and Career Guidance Centre, an Alumni association is being developed.
The basic purpose of this association is to build relationships between past students of the University, as well as to provide exchange of information and activities between the members, University stuff, academic community, and the wider community.
Specific goals of the association are:
– building and maintaining relationships between the University and its past students,
– linking past students into the Alumni association and building interpersonal collaborations,
– promoting and improving activities of the University,
– developing collaboration between the University and other companies and institutions employing past students,
– inspiring and promoting the members of the association in terms of actuating professional and scientific research activities,
– collaboration with other Alumni associations.
For more information about the Alumni Association, click here: Alumni
One of the goals of the Educational and Career Guidance Centre is to develop the principles of lifelong learning and implement democratic rights to studying and education. These will be developed through forms of additional education, various courses, consultations, seminars, etc. whereupon candidates who successfully acquire knowledge will be awarded with an appropriate diploma.