The members of the University Senate are: the Rector and Vice Rectors, Deans and Vice Deans of Academic Affairs, academic stuff representatives of each Faculty, student representatives of the first and second cycle of study appointed by the University Student Parliament,and the president of the University Student Union.
The University Rector is the president of the Senate.
The Senate of the University “VITEZ” performs the following tasks:
- Adopts the University Statute based on the Rector’s proposaland on the opinions of the Board of Directors,
- Appoints the Rector,
- Revises the curriculum of under graduate, graduate and postgraduate study programmes for all departments, groups or courses brought by the University Rector,
- Adopts the curricula of subjects taught at the University,
- Brings the curriculum of specialist studies, and extended professional education and training,
- Brings the Scientific Research Programme of the University,
- Approves and recommends topics of master’s theses, appoints a mentor and a commission for review and defence of master’s theses,
- Approves and recommends topics of doctoral dissertations, appoints a mentor and a commission for review and defence of dissertations,
- Provides services (personnel, technical and education support for undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate study programmes) to other colleges, faculties, academies, and universities in the country and abroad,
- Analyses results and take measures to improve education and enforcees tablished policies,
- Appoints permanent and temporary commissions from the University’s domain of activity and responsibility,
- Performs academic staff selections at the proposal of the Teaching Scientific Council,
- Performs validation of diplomas and other public school documents,
- assignstitles‘Professor Emeritus‘ and‘Honoris Causa’.