The Rector’s Office at the University “VITEZ” Vitez is represented by the Rector and the Vice Rectors.
The Rector has the following rights and obligations:
- to propose the University Statute;
- to be responsible for performance of educational and scientific activities and to manage professional work at the University;
- to actively participate in creating the basis for business policy, and planning programmes as well as development documents;
- to propose the curriculum of compulsory and elective subjects, as well as undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate study programmes;
- to determine the organization of teaching through semesters during the school year;
- to make decisions on the schedule of compulsory subjects based on the previous education;
- to solve the requirements for transfer of students from other associated faculties or from one course to another within the University, and to decide on the examination recognition in the transfer process from higher education institutions;
- to sign testimonials and diplomas;
- to propose the annual work programme and development plan;
- to decide on the directions and orientations for which the classes will be held before the beginning of the school year.
The University, if necessary, appoints the Vice Rectors, i.e.:
- The Vice Rector for Teaching,
- The Vice Rector for Scientific Research and International Collaboration,
- The Vice Rector for Quality, Development and Finance,
- The Vice Rector for Consulting and Management,
- The Vice Rector for Market Research and Public Opinion